LiveZilla - Change Log

Empty chat transcrips can be deactivated (opt-out)
Geo Tracking Database update
Device detection list updated
Operators API can't be queried for online operators
PWA manifest not detected due to invalid scope

Geo Tracking Database update
jquery updated to 3.4.1
Several PHP 7.4 compatibility fixes
SQL error when aggregating daily events
LDAP "You've been logged off by another operator" error

When LDAP is set as login method, regular login is deactivated
Geo Tracking Database update
Different deprecated warnings
Memcache and Memcached configuration is switched

Invert Chat/Ticket offset option
Geo Tracking Database update
Better Chat/Ticket invite offset
Minor performance optimizations
No error message when uploading larger files that can't be stored
Chat widget sometimes not responding on chrome after very long idle time
Ticket reminder not working reliably depending on target date

Geo Tracking Database update
WidgetAPI.OptInCookies function will remove lz_no_cookie

Geo Tracking Database update
Chat invites not showing when refreshing page
Attachments can't be added when replying to a ticket sometimes Performance: Minor Performance Optimizations

Geo Tracking Database update
New Group / Visitor filters can't be created
Ticket file attachment no clickable
XSS vulnerability (FG-VD-19-085)

Geo Tracking Database update
Posting HTML code along with files deactivates masking on operator side (XSS)
SQL Injection vulnerability (FG-VD-19-082, CVE-2019-12939)
SQL Injection vulnerability (FG-VD-19-086)
Denial of Service vulnerability (FG-VD-19-084, CVE-2019-12940)
XSS vulnerability (FG-VD-19-085)
XSS vulnerability (FG-VD-19-087)
CSV Injection vulnerability (FG-VD-19-088)

Geo Tracking Database update
Unusual high amount of file uploads log entry when activating CoBrowse feature

Knowledge base can be shown on server page option
Ticket reply composer generic input field suggestions are now disabled
Geo Tracking Database update
Terms & Conditions not scrollable
Knowledge base editor not saving when ID was changed
Custom placeholders not shown when using Add Placeholder function
Feedbacks not showing in monthly reports

Progress Web App Support
Notification API replaces generic LiveZilla notifications
Avatar images might be deleted when changing operator account
Creating new public chat group fails
Knowledge base folder ID not working reliably
Sounds not playing (Windows APP)

Operator free text status is now shown within Group Chats
Offline operators can be hidden in Group Chats
Operator to Operator chats can be started from group chat room
Data API function "Get active Chat sessions"
Geo Tracking Database update
Whisper messages will be removed when creating a ticket from chat
Social Media Channels (Facebook, Twitter) removed
Widget show chat icon even when all ops are offline (mobile)
Placeholders %ticket_id%, %ticket_hash% and %subject% not working in ticket reply composer
Paste not working in ticket composer signature field

API function terminate chat session
Geo Tracking Database update
Auto forwarding targets are defined by number of chats instead of operator id
Knowledge base folder now have a folder class
Header avatar image showing questions marks (invalid url)
Access to chat transcripts via Data API not working sometimes
Visitors can leave message when operators are online configuration not working
Chat feedback not showing automatically on mobile in external chat window
File upload extension blacklist/whitelist not working
Custom fieldback fields can break reports
Chat forwarding not working when operator has not language set

Deleted ticket will be immediately removed from database
Copy of ticket operator replies with be sent as BCC instead of CC
Geo Tracking Database update
Knowledge base IDs max length is 256 now
Leave message button not visible (graphic / overlay button)
Some tickets don't show waiting time
Umlauts not working in Avatar
File uploads not working reliable in Internet Explorer
Chat waiting/delay message not showing
HTML editor form size issues
New roles can't be created
Firefox and IE don't display screenshot preview in chat

Send ticket autoresponder when ticket is created by operator (optional)
Chat API
RealTime Dashboard
Chat button codes site sharing can be deactivated
New ticket category overdue
Improved CoBrowse feature / in browser screen sharing
More direct chat widget file uploads
Message sneak peek
Send welcome to operator email after creating account
Operator Roles (permissions)
API ticket list attribute PublicLink URL
InConsole Configuration Assistant
Operator status info text
Save chat message as knowledge base entry from context menu
All Chat Widget colors will be calculated based on primary color
Chat widget script can now autodetect scheme
Bots can send chat invites
Skill based chat routing
Location based chat routing
External widget operator message preview
Ban / filter button visible before accepting a chat
Chat invite message can be an Image
Ticket / Leave Message Invites
Chat icon loading animation when connecting
Language based chat routing
External widget input field
Auto resizing chat widget input field
Encrypt files in uploads folder
Multiple concurrent Chat Invites are possible now
Change MySQL encoding from utf8 to utf8mb4
Operator account language will define console UI language
Websites default font will be used in chat widget
HTML editor buttons can wrap
Dynamic code option can now be used with floating button
Ticket list rows will have highlighting background color depending on ticket priority
Operator list in forwarding form is now sorted by the number of active chats (ascending)
Eye Catcher removed
Group level queue waiting message removed

Geo Tracking Database update
Dynamic code option can now be used with floating button
API Ticket CallMeBack attribute is ignored
When setting a ticket operator, the active operator account is assigned instead
Floating button shows in wrong position
When changing ticket operator/group, sub channel and sub status might be removed

Geo Tracking Database update
New LDAP accounts will be signed off after login
Website header manipulation can be used for XSS attacks

Geo Tracking error Cannot declare class Action

Geo Tracking Database Update
Knowledge base files are being deleted after changing id
New LDAP accounts will be signed off after login
Classic image chat button code syntax error when using parameters (& instead of ?)

API Ticket attribute SALT added
API Ticket attribute HASH added
Geo Tracking Database Update
Ticket screen capture not working
API ticket list parameter group_id not working
Chat widget custom link element too wide
Chat widget custom link iframe too small
Chat widget custom link iframe is reloading frequently
After showing chat offline info, the widget login mask remains visible
When operator account was deleted knowledge base entry page shows unknown editor.
Chat widget language auto detection not working when visitor monitoring is deactivated
Chat image button ignores opening hours of target group

Multi ticket message merging can be deactivated
Geo Tracking Database Update
Invite "no, thanks" link is now a instead of
Hide operators last name not working for typing indicator
Resetting ticket search setting does not apply correctly
Event condition chat start and chat end can be triggered with no chat activity
Ticket status change on customer reply is not logged
Ticket reminder year field to small

Search for tags only by leaving the input field empty
Widget can now embed custom links via IFRAME
SEO friendly knowledge base URLs (mod_rewrite)
Tags can be shown in knowledge base
Ticket sub channel can be unset from context menu
Ticket sub status can be unset from context menu
Default knowledge base text color
Ticket draft remove icon
Knowledge base popular entries
Knowledge base related entries
Knowledge base multiple entries per row
Knowledge base jump to tree in search results context menu
Geo Tracking Database Update
Operator usernames can now include - and _
Ticket Source can't be changed on existing tickets
Deleting chat archive entries requires confirmation
External files are downloadable in chat archive
Knowledge base search minimum word length will be ignored when comparing with tags
GEO Tracking will now use the IP server param from the server configuration
Ticket history mobile optimizations
Feedback view mobile optimizations
Ticket Channel becomes Ticket Source
Timezone Africa/Johannisburg added
Timezone will be shown on server page
Resend message not working
Avatar does not show unicode chars
Knowledge base entry creation date changes when id changes
More reliable operator/group availability tracking
Anonymized feedback not working
Hide operators last name not working for status messages and feedback
Knowledge base internal search lists ticket files
File upload form is always in english
Social Media setup not scrolling

Browser language detection can be deactivated
Knowledge base entries can be configured to open in new window
Configuration to show full name or first name of operator in chat widget
Chat widget will not show group title in header
Ticket messages will not be attached to existing ticket when group has changed
Knowledge base search field configuration won't save
Long knowledge base entries not scrollable on IOS
imagettfbbox(): Could not find/open font error

Basic input field validation without programming
Terms of service can be URL or Text
Cookie OPT-IN API Interface
Cookie / Tracking OPT-OUT API Interface
Visitor Monitoring (CoBrowse and History) can be deactivated for chat details
Replace file_get_contents with cURL calls
Geo Tracking database will be included in installation, requests will be target to installation
Ticket details URLs are clickable
DNT Header will disable GeoTracking
DNT Header will disable all LiveZilla cookies
Visitor question is editable
Ticket search sorting not saved correctly
Pass-thru parameter visitor language can't be overwritten
Quotes in signature ruin ticket composer functionality
Ticket draft is always attached to root message
Chat archive preview text is not shown
Input configuration cookie not working reliably
Chat window chat history scrolling down automatically every x seconds
Ctrl+Enter does not work in chat
Flexi hover buttons background color does not adapt to service color

PHP 7.2 Support
Better search control
Tag Editor
Widget Screen Capture
Ticket Tags
Chat tags
Operator post chat survey (Tags)
Missing php_fileinfo php module detection for windows servers
Widget dimension 'very small'
Sound on operator chat invite
Operator permission Add Tags
First chat button can be created automatically
Flex Buttons will show with hover text on mobile devices
Chat invites will not show in external chat window
Max outgoing mails per minute increased from 5 to 15
Chat bot api operator allocation not working without action button
Email delivery error notification attachments not parsed correctly
Undo issues on ticket composer
Ticket / Chat link/merge problems
Classic mode chat button has no bottom margin on mobile devices
Tickets auto created from emails will not appear in search results
Placeholder %ticket_id% is not replaced correctly

Placeholders added to inactivity auto close texts
Widget root icon can be configured
Widget root text (online / offline) can be configured
Lowres Feedback star images replaced with vectors
Ticket comments can now include both, file and text
Typing indicator is now deactivated in whisper mode
HTML view will be selected by default when viewing a ticket message
Fulltext search setting removed from knowledge base object level
Avatar images > 800px will be downscaled
macOS is not detected correctly in reports
Incorrect mime type on outgoing emails
When merging more than two tickets at once, the messages of one or more might be lost
Image eye catcher z-index is missing
Auto conversion of missed chats to tickets fails when question (subject) is longer than 500 chars
Error message "timeout" flooding
Ticket shortcut "R" not working
Ticket composer allows to paste broken HTML
Sorting switches back to automatic when adding entry in knowledge base
On mobile devices "Live Chat" is default chat button text even when all operators are offline
Email attachment list not scrollable

Event system not working reliably
Line breaks are removed when pasting to ticket / knowledgebase
macOS is not detected correctly in reports
Link Generator creates invalid floating button / text link code
Ticket autoresponder email is not sent in GUI language

Whisper Mode
Ticket HTML composer / outgoing HTML emails
Callback requests can be forwarded to custom callback form URL
Sortable Knowledge Base Entries
Global ticket drafts
Data export function
Custom Widget Links
Add Whatsapp Link/Icon to Widget
Add LinkedIn Link/Icon to Widget
Add Instagram Link/Icon to Widget
Add Telegram Link/Icon to Widget
Ticket sections can be sorted independently
Knowledge base footer and header
Create Ticket button visible when chat has ended
Ticket notifier email includes history link
Last viewed date is shown before taking over a ticket
Visitor information panel width increased to 50% of screen width
More precise icon and text positioning (widget)
UTF8 encoding issues with visitor file upload folder name
LiveZilla tray icon on mac is jumping when there are no tickets in the system
Dereferrer cuts off get parameters
Email subject encoding issues
Input field 114 (Question) is treated as a required field even when it's not configured as such
Ticket waiting time is set to 0 when customer sends multiple emails
Missing time/date when creating ticket from active chat
PHP 7.2 incompatibility

Little UI Update
Pass-thru URL's are clickable on operator side
Tickets column in reports table
Tickets messages created from email are stored with wrong message type (4 instead of 3)
Some mysql table have no primary key
Data pass thru Object.key group not working
Language ISO code not forwarded to custom ticket URL
Chat widget icons not shown correctly when size is set to large
Input field info text hover not working
Problems when using apostrophe in eye catcher custom text
Broken encoding of german default auto close chat text
Less results in ticket search when searching for comments is activated

Flexi Buttons show text in field (instead of hover field)
Email notification for operators when a new ticket has been addressed
Search ticket comments
Ticket composer auto search will remain visible once shown
Chat welcome message is being removed when human chat invite shows up
Visitor edit details input field header invisible
Email encoding issues
Ticket subject URL detection not working reliably
Wrong language pre-selected when creating new ticket
Widget title translation ignored when using classic mode
Ticket API provide access to deleted tickets
Chat archive context menu not opening in FireFox

Knowledge Base Auto Search in Ticket Composer
Send button in chat widget
File button in chat widget
Move ticket message into new ticket
Leave chat must be confirmed (operator side)
Missed chats will be stored as ticket (option)
Event trigger "Chat Closed"
Custom message when idle chats are closed automatically
Customizable sounds
Make time on site independent from visitor poll frequency
Auto close inactive chats tabs
3rd party knowledge base url will open in new window
Luxembourgish language key
Widget margin can be set to 0 on mobile devices
Multiple messages created within the same visitor session will be stored in one ticket
New color for task bar unread message element
Visitor details will show on 13inch monitor
Update notification will only be shown to administrators
Online only setting ignores routing settings
Operator can't send ticket reply when email field is masked
Chat feedback form sometimes opens when a new start has been started
When google translate service connection fails, chat message is dismissed
Edit visitor details not scrollable
Chat input field losing focus when open chat is accepted by other operator
New chats show up in the middle of the task bar
Group and operator chats not stored in chat archive
Custom field type multiline "TextArea" treated as singleline "Text" in operator console
Email encoding issues

Chats can be removed from chat archive
Send to function in knowledge base context menu
Remove from chat archive permission
File upload progress will be shown in task bar
Chats requests accepted by other operator will disappear automatically
Tickets performance optimization
Chat archive search will include now custom fields
Ticket messages length limited to 500k chars
Leave message notice will not show to operators who are not member of the chat
Ticket assign group / assign operator permissions not working
Pasting URLs not working when input type is set to HTML
Event configuration name,state and priority lost when adding/removing action
When sending (larger) files, no further connections possible
When sending (larger) files, chat window is closed instead of file upload window
When sending (larger) files, chat input field is cleared on end
Chat terms and conditions not working when ticket tos not set
Encoding problems when creating new knowledge base entry
Knowledge base read permissions not working reliably

Chat button can be hidden when chat is not available
Several hard code texts are translatable now
Iconv //IGNORE added to improve compatibility when parsing emails
Inbound telephone number clickable in chat widget
Allow higher resolution for avatars
Temporary database problems will not sign off operators
Current chat id is shown in visitor details
File ID removed from chat transcript email
TLD on mails not parsed correctly when longer than 3 chars
Widget dropdown menu (dots) is visible even when all options are deactivated
Clicking the eye-catcher will default to chat even when all operators are offline
No chat invite sound in classic mode
LDAP users can't change server configuration
Ticket sub status count includes recently removed tickets

User Management changes not being saved when switching/reopening the window
Data pass thru overwrite parameter is ignored once chat has been started
Subject RE: [HASH] loop when using %subject% placeholder
Knowledge base search not working when targeting a custom folder
Area/Website code not stored in chat archive

Timing events are executed more precisely
Timezone Asia/Kabul added to represent 4.30 timezone
Groups without external chat permission are not available for chat invites
PHPMail is not available for new email accounts
English translation can't be deleted
URL's send by external users are clickable
Subject RE: [HASH] loop when using %subject% placeholder
E-Mail HTML encoding issues
Language pass thru parameter gets lost when searching the knowledge base
Broken UI when forwarding a chat to group with many members
Visitor info tab is not updated when switching to chat with unread message
Several chat forward/invite UI issues
Data pass thru overwrite parameter is ignored once chat has been started
Ticket message date on mobile devices
LiveZilla doesn't reconnect after OS hibernation

Secure/http-only cookie support
Show group in chat invites table
Notification icon (tray and taskbar) will show until message has been read
HTML format removal is optional
Better visitor status indicator
Operator placeholders can be used in chat transcript email
Parameter to overwrite existing pass-thru information
Knowledge base category title is now clickable
Cache expiration date changed from visit + 1 day to visit + 1 year
Country flag in chat list
Declining operator not shown in chat archive
Chat notification problems on android
Chat button will appear fixed on both mobile and desktop
Chat invite issues with pure visitor monitoring code
Customer question can't be modified
Chat invites not working with fixed target group (routing)
Chat messages get lost when sending multiple short messages quickly

Chat login mask can be activated for bot chats
Data pass thru parameter issues
Wrong group selected when creating multiple tickets from emails
Chat can't be routed to specific operator/group in Chat Bot API
Custom fields can't be edited in Ticket View
Manual chat invite pre-selecting wrong group

API Ticket Status "Pending" can be configured
API Ticket Feedback URL incorrect
Operator permission issues

Social Media connector issues
PHP memory limit -1 not interpreted correctly
Knowledge base permission blocks ticket / chat files
Data Pass-Thru for Text Links
Ticket can only have a language included in group languages
MySQL field channel_unique_id missing
Operator client not working in IE

Real-time updates for visitor details while chatting
New notification UI
Post-reply ticket default status can be configured
Feedbacks can be activated for bot chats
User Management pagination
User Management search
Shortcut "R" will be added to ticket composer input field
Author name can be hidden in Knowledge Base
Auto close chat after X seconds of operator inactivity
Higher operator side chat input field
Queue waiting time is not calculated in real-time for performance reasons
Use encodeURIComponent for PassThru data instead of proprietary Base64URLEncoding
Several redundant SQL queries removed
Feedbacks are not related to chat ids
Ticket notification shows name of last email
Content mask not working for custom fields
Chat invites icon / table not working
Double slashs in URLs opened from LiveZilla

Incoming email attachments are empty or broken
Data Pass-Thru problems with classic image chat button (external window)
Missing operator name in chat archive
When converting an email into a ticket the HTML body gets lost
Input field gets cleared sometimes when receiving a new message
Social media configurations will persist after deleting a group
Multiple TO's will be added as CC's
Sent to field is empty in ticket details
Ticket detail changes are discarded sometimes
Pass thru settings and data is not available in Link Generator preview
Create Personal Chat Link permission not working
ComboBox value not shown in Ticket List
Ticket attachments can't be downloaded in FireFox
Ticket comments are shown in wrong order
Open 3rd party ticket system in new window not working

Co-Browsing browser can't be changed in chat
Chat widget not clickable on mobile after opening feedback
Recurring visitors sometimes shown twice in VM

Email group visibility permission
Ticket web interface for customers
Performance Optimizations
Multi CC and TO Fields for tickets
Custom eye catcher texts can be configured in Link Generator
New Ticket Status 'Pending'
Chat priority
Email validation in chat widget
Auto scroll down will stop when scrolling up manually
KB auto search button to send link to KB article
Shortcut 'R' to initiate Ticket Reply
Creation and edit time shown in KB entry details
Increase possible length of bot welcome message
Operator fullname will be replaced with firstname and lastname
Closed chats sometimes will not be removed from list
Placeholder %external_name% not working in operator reply email subject
'Deprecated' error when trying to save a message from ticket composer
Email account port is changed back to default on edit
Ticket attachment images will be resized
Copy operator not working
No line breaks in chat logs
Translate icon loses green status when operator sends message
Custom field types ComboBox and Checkbox not working in chat welcome message
Feedback viewer paging problems
Feedbacks sometimes show no operator name
gl_stmo Error
Custom input fields are invisible when creating a ticket from email

Terms and conditions for chats and tickets
Deleted emails list with option to restore deleted emails
Personalize ticket emails (operator or group name as sender)
Operator Permission 'Personal Chat Link'
Create tickets from feedbacks
Avoid multiple creation of tickets from chats/feedbacks
Operator Permission 'Logs'
Operator Permission 'Delete Feedbacks'
Delete Feedbacks
Field 'VisitorId' added to chat bot api
Browser / OS icon in visitor details
Offline chat information header text
Up / down / enter keys can be used in email list
Improved Chat Archive Search Performance
Custom field will be shown in visitor details
Closed chats will be pruned to improve performance
Merged Knowledge Base entry Editor and Settings
Change password encryption from md5 to PHP Hash API
Chat groups owned by hidden operators will be hidden as well
Chat button codes will not include domain name
Chat can be clicked even when operators are offline
Callback form will show all custom input fields
Ticket operator select reflects group membership
Ticket channel filter issues
Syntax issues with resource and script headers
Operators not visible after connections problems
Knowledge Base entries are not sorted
All operator chat doesn't notify
Can't open Translation Editor with LDAP
Operator online notification not working
Ticket channel filter causing error after re-login
No message sound in Safari on visitor side
Feedback notification not working
Delete email permission not working
Deactivate tracking opt-out removed
Remove QPenalty

Visitor name changes to undefined when visitor monitoring is deactivated

Ghost tickets created from Facebook API
Website not scrollable on mobile firefox after returning from chat
Syntax error in widget style.css

Chat forward list does not show operators
Chat window defaults to message tab
Chat list icon not visible

New main navigation design
Close button for feedback layer
Chat BOT API function "Chat with operator / group"
Chat BOT API function "Message to operator / group"
Chat BOT API function "Set Data"
Chat BOT API function "Block Input"
Chat BOT API parameter "Tag"
Chat BOT API parameter "Language"
Overlay Widget Classic Mode
Optimize User Management Performance
Optimize Knowledge Base tree view performance
Chat Overlay Widget UI Refinements
Chat button doesn't open chat window on mobile when only one service is active
Eye catcher background invisible when no shadow configured
Chat transcript will be deactivated when changing details
Online only (hide when operators are offline) not working
Event URL condition time on site not working
JS resources not minified
Feedbacks not scrollable on IOS
Post :80 is being removed in Link Generator

Chat BOTs pointing to wrong URL
Knowledge base entries can't be accessed
Visitors are shown multiple times
Social Media Integration poll frequency lowered
Parse errors on PHP 5.3 or older

On-Site Chat Overlay v1 has been removed
Server configuration "Extra timeout" was removed
Auto flood filter removed
Several UI performance optimizations
Client UI slowdowns when more than 30 operators are registered in the system
Chat invites can't be sent to visitors that are in chat already
Ticket preview width based on screen dimensions
Multiple LiveZilla scripts can be used in one page
Knowledge Base files have no direct access but a download URL
Translation files will be uploaded in base64 encoded chunks
When creating ticket from chat, default group will be selected
Chat Bot
Chat Bot API
Visitor List Treeview with different quick access categories
Set ticket status after replying option
Download option for Knowledge Base files
Mobile UI Optimizations
Files can be added to ticket comments
Eye catcher can be activated / deactivated for online / offline separately
Email list (prefilled emails that were used in the past)
More streamlined and responsive Ticket Details View
Groups in operator list can be collapsed
Chat message status feedback (received / read)
PHP 7.1 support
Search function for operator list
Char counter on ticket reply form
Show bot icon in Knowledge Base
Group visitor filter not working
Cursor not active on mobile while editing new resource
Chat history doesn't update sometimes (no sound or UI changes)
Ticket search box glitches
Sometimes observer shows no visitor details in chat header list
Chat Button icons are not displayed properly when changing the DPI value in Google Chrome browser
Visitor monitoring ignores client / server time difference resulting in different issues
After adding a resource to an empty folder, the folder does not update properly (show icon + expand)
Ticket print functions does not include all input fields
Notification sound is always set to 60%
In Firefox, operators can send empty messages in chat
Feedback scrolling does not work
Group level chat functions sound does not work
Group level language Chat / Ticket information will not show
Configuration "Visitors can change their personal information" does not work
Problems with special chars in deactivate tracking link
Ticket group filter permission issues
Placeholder %quote% can't be removed from operator reply email template
Chat functions "print" and "feedback" are visible even when deactivated in group configuration
When creating a new ticket attachments can't be added
When creating a new ticket reminder can't be set
Email list is not updated when open and minimized
Tickets created from chats are not referenced with the visitor
Ticket status can't be changed in Mobile APP
Ticket message HTML sometimes not available
Chat UI problems on IPad
Invisible operators are not fully hidden sometimes
Minor chat button issues
Knowledge Base issues with 5 chars iso codes
Time difference issues in Onsite Chat Widget
Time and date in chat archive not consistent

SSL Header addition
CSS optimizations
Client UI slowdowns when more than 30 operators are registered in the system
Recurring chats may be allocated to wrong group
Group visitor filter not working

Change visitor details window can't be closed
Group visitor filter not working
Error "CAN'T LOAD HISTORY DATA" appears in general log
When adding a comment to a ticket in list view ticket status may change
Eye catcher can't be closed in Firefox
Ticket custom field message not going through on PHP 7.1
Ticket custom field message not going through when input field is hidden

Task Bar for Dialogs and Chats
PHP 7.1 support
Ticket "language" column
Knowledge base entry settings can be set during creation
Connection problem indicator
Increase chat input field height on desktop systems
Native Eye Catcher (like in 6.x)
SSL configuration in Link Generator
CSS classes disabled, unmovable, unselectable renamed to lz_chat_disabled, lz_chat_unmovable, lz_chat_unselectable
Direct access URL for knowledge base articles can be plain (Not base64) to allow multilanguage entries
Ticket subject line configuration is not used
Operator account won't save sometimes
When editing PHPMail mail account SMTP settings are shown
XML files received via email can't be opened
Tickets won't display in chat visitor details
Chat widget disappears sometimes when visitor monitoring is deactivated
Chat API mode issues
Image Eye catcher is clickable when hidden (fade in time configured)
Secondary (text) color won't be used on text link and image button
HTML will be escaped before pasting
Full visitor list in reports no updating automatically and limit can't be changed
Floating button doesn't disappear in online-only mode when all operators are offline
Group languages not loading correctly when sending chat invite
When pasting long texts and pressing ENTER quickly message won't be send from widget
Tickets not creating in visitor language

Chrome Update 57: Missing Chat-Button Icons

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header breaks chat button code
Depending on the chat integration and browser window size, the 'X' (close chat widget) might be hidden
Problems with special chars in MySQL authentication
When changing visitor details in APP the form can't be closed

Facebook integration sync is now limited (7 days backwards)
User will be informed when trial period has ended
The total number of chat tabs will be shown in main panel (instead of external chats only)
Group chats report shows wrong data
Chat widget switches to ticket when all operators are "Away"
Iframes (ie for youtube videos) can be used in knowledge base entries
Support for "HTTP_SSL" header added
Social Media Twitter configuration issues
Event data condition fields get encoded
Special chars in MySQL authentication will cause problem during update
When manually creating a new ticket the selected ticket will be updated
Column to indicate the amount of messages in ticket view
SMTP Email accounts showing wrong "Default" status
Downloading translations won't work under HTTPS
Knowledge Base editor function "Add Image" not working in APP.
Image links in knowledge base entries are sometimes broken when sent to chat

Knowledge base entries destroy UI when editing
Windows APP shows gray ICON in tray
LiveZilla Trial Link opens several times
Knowledge Base send to chat button visible even when target user is offline
Chat archive search function not working
LDAP Users can't access User Management
Open external Chat Window setting opens external window automatically
When deativating the LiveZilla Ticket System, the external chat window (chat.php) will show broken input fields
Chat visibility permissions are being ignored
Invite Operator function not working

Prefill customers email when sending chat transcripts from chat archive
Reset button for default languages not working
When using a graphic chat button, dynamic chat button code isn't available
No default email account available
Data Pass-thru not working when using different codes (with data and without)
New Column IP in chats table
New chat ringtone not reliable when "Keep ringing until allocated" is activated
Custom translation upload (share)
Link Generator preview not 100% height
Copy / paste caret issues
Require visitor to select a group (no default) not working for Graphic Chat Button
Default port for POP is 110 not 25
Mobile link changes will be dismissed
Feedback details (name, email etc) are blank
Sua resposta ajuda-nos à melhorar nosso serviço. Nós apreciamos muito sua ajuda.

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